June 2022  Newsletter

Welcome to the Summer 2022 Newsletter.

I hope this update finds you well .  If you are keen to jump straight to the newsletter just click here.   We have had another hectic 6 months as the practice renovations continue apace. We are really pleased that the extension is now wind and water tight and  starting to take shape internally. Work has also begun on the  new entrance around the side of the building too.  With so much of the practcice in uproar we are very much squashed in at the moment but hope to be expanding back into our new facilities in the Autumn.

Car parking remains a bit challenging on our busiest days of Tuesday and Thursday but again as works complete this pressure should ease as we reclaim our car park from our builders. We are also more than  pleased that  internal plumbing re routing is complete and we now have a full complement of functioning bathrooms again.

We continue to work hard on appointment availability, and with the expansion of our team of hygienists we can now offer hygiene appointments in the next  few weeks. Dentists appointments are still challenging despite  our dentists working through  most of the year so far with little  time off but we are slowly bringing this under control. As ever if you have a dental emergency we continue to be able to provide a same day emergency service in most cases.  If you have not been to see us for a while please do get in touch and the team and we  will do whatever we can to get an appointment booked for you.

I hope you enjoy the newsletter and reading about the exciting things that the  team have been up to inside and outside work.

Download the Summer Newsletter Here

Kind regards

Fraser, John and the Team and Craigentinny Dental Care