Health Screening – Know Your Numbers

You can look great, feel great, and exercise regularly. That doesn’t  always tell the whole  story. When it comes to your health, there are five numbers you need to know: Blood Pressure, Glucose, Cholesterol,  Waist to Height ratio and BMI. Anyone of these numbers can indicate an increased risk for conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

We know that dental health and whole body health have a significant overlap and one affects the other much more than was previously realised. Research already shows links between gum disease and many conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and  blood pressure.  Links between gum disease and  some forms of dementia have also been found recently too. We know lots of people do not see their doctor regularly or are unaware of their key numbers so we offer a simple 5 point health screening so that you can get to “know your numbers.”

A health screening appointment involves

  1. A blood pressure check
  2. A Cholesterol screen
  3. A  Glucose screen
  4. Waist to height ratio assessment
  5. BMI assessment

Your results will be immediate and depending on the findings we will either offer advice or refer you to your doctor. Our aim is that you can take control of this aspect of your health and detect trends early on.

Contact the team to book your own health screening today

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