Adult braces in Edinburgh are not as uncommon as you may think

It should come as no surprise to you that many of us who may have needed braces in Edinburgh when we were younger missed out, potentially because they were too expensive, there was a limited access to dental care or because the teeth were not in dire need of correcting but was merely a cosmetic issue.

Braces in Edinburgh

Fast forward 20 or 30 years, and you may be feeling like you have missed out on the opportunity to have beautiful, straight teeth and must simply live with what you have. But here is where you are wrong. Teeth straightening has never only been for children and teenagers, although many adults were simply put off by the appearance of traditional braces and the length of time that they took to work.

Thankfully, over the years, technology has significantly improved, allowing not only for traditional metal braces to have a makeover and take a lot less time to provide results, but more modern and sleek devices have come into popularity, that may just be what you are looking for.

We offer braces in Edinburgh that can adapt to suit your lifestyle. We understand that you do not want to feel like you may compromise your career or social life throughout your teeth straightening journey, so we have several invisible options that can correct the alignment of your teeth and jaws without you needing to compromise.

By speaking to one of our understanding, compassionate and dedicated team dentists, we can set you on the right path to the beautiful smile that is waiting to be discovered. Every one of our team members has the technical prowess, coupled with an eye for aesthetics, that enables them to bring your unique and beautiful smile into its best appearance.

What are some of the models available?

A lot of us do not need to bother with correcting a bite, but simply wish to visibly alter the teeth that we see. We are able to effectively and quickly do this with a few models that are specifically designed for this purpose.

Six Month Smiles is a fixed system that allows dentists maximum control over teeth positioning. They offer fast results, as the name suggests, and can be used for a variety of different issues that you may have.

We also offer removable options, such as the popular Invisalign or the Inman Aligner. The Inman Aligner works best for slight dental movements and works extremely quickly, whilst Invisalign can take a little longer but offers more control over teeth positioning.

We are able to discuss with you what we believe to be the best choice for your personal situation, after we have sat down with you and gone over what your smile goals are and what benefits you would like to have throughout the treatment process.

Each model comes with its advantages and potential downsides, depending on what you are seeking, so before you consider what model you believe will be best suited for you, we recommend that you speak to a professional to gain further insight regarding your personal situation.

A warm welcome from your loyal, local dentist

We believe that it is important to establish a positive relationship with your dentist in Edinburgh. One that has you feeling free and able to communicate your dental desires, ask questions and raise concerns that you may have regarding your current oral health, or any treatments that you may require.

Dentist in Edinburgh

This enables a full and positively reciprocated environment for your dentist in Edinburgh, to be able to provide you with the treatment that you need and to allow you the results that you wish for. Without open, candid and honest communication, you may find that you are unhappy with cosmetic results or concerned about restorative treatment plans ongoing.

Of course, we give every one of our patients as much time as they need to express themselves, and we pride ourselves in our attentive care. No stone is left unturned during our examinations, and we use the latest and greatest technology to aid us in delivering you a quick and accurate diagnosis to treat any concern and offer effective treatment.

We treat every one of their patients equally, providing a tailor-made service that tackles the concerns that need to be looked at, and praising the good efforts of a beneficial at home hygiene routine. Every one of our dentists in Edinburgh is passionate about you having a happy and healthy smile to last your lifetime.

What happens when I join the practice?

You are welcome to book an appointment with us either as a private patient or as an NHS patient. We provide you with detailed information about what each type of enrollment entails, and where some NHS funded options are unavailable, you are certainly welcome to privately book your treatment with us.

It is important to understand that when you book an initial consultation with us, we will need to gain a certain amount of information from you in order to learn what we need to know. Your medical and dental history provide crucial clues to your current state of health.

During the initial consultation, an informal discussion, between yourself and one of our team, allows us to get to know you and what your oral health goals are. We will ask about your lifestyle habits and choices as well, as they can have an impact on your oral and overall health.

The body is a holistic system, meaning that everything is intimately connected, even in ways that we are yet to understand. Do not feel like certain facts about yourself are not important to share as you may very well be surprised about the impact this can have on your teeth and gums.

We then take a thorough look inside your mouth, as well as your neck, lips, mouth and cheeks, to investigate any potential signs of infection or disease. We inform you about clues that you may need to look out for so that you yourself can keep on top of your oral health.

Following a thorough examination of your teeth and gums, which may include x-rays, we can determine if there is any restorative work that needs to be done, and discuss thoughts on potential cosmetic procedures, in order to allow you to have your best smile possible.

Does your mouth bleed when you brush? 5 reasons to visit our hygienist at Craigentinny Dental Care

It seems that on almost every advert break on television, there is at least one advertisement that mentions the seriousness of bleeding gums when brushing. Of course, if you do spit blood when you brush your teeth, you may think it is nothing to really worry about and that it will go away on its own.

Dental Hygienist in Edinburgh

Unless you brush your teeth with extreme vigour and a hard bristled brush, it is unlikely that you are bleeding because of how you brush your teeth. If you experience minor discomfort when brushing, swelling and of course bleeding, you may need to visit Craigentinny’s dental hygienist in Edinburgh.

Why hygienist visits are important

If you have a history of gum disease, are currently wearing braces or have sores caused by dentures, you should be seeing a dental hygienist in Edinburgh at least twice a year. Many people assume that hygienist visits are less important than dental check- ups, but our dental hygienist in Edinburgh can help you in many ways that a general dentist can’t.

Prevention is key

Prevention is always better than cure and if you visit a dental hygienist regularly, you are less likely to develop conditions like gum disease.

Hygienists are trained to be able to remove stubborn plaque, allowing relief to swollen and sore gums that may have been affected by it. This prevents periodontal conditions like gingivitis from occurring and keeps your mouth healthier.

Targeted care

If you have had gum disease in the past, you will probably have been given a treatment plan by your dental hygienist to stop and reverse the disease. It is worth noting that when hygienists give these treatment plans, they are individually tailored and take into account your age, the condition of your teeth and any other medical issues you may have along with medications you may be taking.

People who wear orthodontic braces, dentures, bridges or even implants are advised to visit a hygienist to help them assess the care they require to keep their mouth and teeth at their healthiest.

Oral cancer screening

Do you smoke? If so, you need to see a hygienist at least once a year for oral cancer screening. A hygienist can identify any unusual areas of tissue in your mouth and also help you quit smoking in order to prevent oral cancer in the future.


A good old fashioned polish is a great way to boost your confidence and can be performed by a hygienist. Some hygienists can perform minor cosmetic procedures such as whitening, so if you want to get a sparkling smile, just book an appointment to see our hygienists!

Reduce sensitivity

No one likes sensitive teeth; they hurt and prevent you from eating ice cream! A hygienist can apply either a fluoride or fissure sealants to fill the microscopic holes in the sensitive tooth and thus block the pain caused by consuming hot or cold foods.

Need a dental check-up but phobic of the dentist? How our team at Craigentinny Dental Care can help

Being scared of the dentist can be difficult, especially when you start to get toothache.

Dental phobias are surprisingly common, and many people who become nervous at the thought of sitting in a dental chair often try their hardest to look after their teeth to try and ensure that they will not require that biannual trip to their nearest dental surgery.

Sedation Dentistry in Edinburgh

This technique rarely works and eventually, even the most diligent tooth brusher will require a check-up sooner or later, so what are your options? You can take painkillers and hope the pain goes away or you can bite the bullet and book a check-up with your dentist.

Today, all dental surgeries are equipped and able to help the most phobic of dental patients. Craigentinny can offer a range of options to reduce your anxiety and can even offer you sedation dentistry in Edinburgh if required.

What is sedation dentistry?

If the thought of even having a basic check-up overwhelms you when you book your appointment with us, please inform our receptionists or use our online form to specify that you want this to be performed. Our dental team can easily accommodate sedation dentistry in Edinburgh along with other forms of relaxation techniques.

Sedation dentistry in Edinburgh at Craigentinny involves intravenous sedation to relax you during the procedure. You will be partially conscious but after the procedure is over, you will have no memory of what occurred and therefore, you will not associate the examination with anxiety but with relaxation.

Please be advised that when you undertake any form of sedation with us, you will need to have a friend or family member with you, to ensure that you get home safely. We advise against driving for 24 hours post sedation, along with operating heavy machinery.

Alternative ways we can help you

Of course, sedation is not the only way we can help you overcome your fear of the dentist; we offer many other alternatives which we encourage you to look through.


If you want to get to know our dental team before you visit us at our surgery, we can offer you an email consultation. During this, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our surgery, our experience and most importantly, how we help our most nervous patients.

This consultation puts you at no obligation, you are not required to attend our surgery for treatment afterwards

Phone consultation

Don’t like communicating through email? We also offer phone consultations, to help you put a voice to a member of our team. Typically, the phone consultation will be performed by one of our experienced dental nurses, who will voice any concerns you may have to our dentists, if you choose to proceed with treatment at our surgery.

At Craigentinny, we aim to make our most nervous patients comfortable so contact us today and let’s beat your dental phobia together!

Worried about having braces fitted? Different types of braces we can offer you at Craigentinny in Edinburgh

Say the word ‘brace’ to most dental patients and they will make a quick exit from the room. The negative connotations that surround braces are almost universal and many patients are unaware of the different types of braces available through advances in dentistry.

Braces in Edinburgh

At Craigentinny, we are aware that being told you need braces in Edinburgh can feel daunting but fret not. At our surgery, depending on the severity of your misalignment, our dental team will be able to offer you different types of aligners and braces, to help you achieve a straighter, healthier smile.

Cosmetic braces

It can seem like a strange idea, but many adults and even teenagers are able to undertake cosmetic braces in Edinburgh. Unlike traditional orthodontic braces which help restore functionality and correct malocclusions, cosmetic braces help straighten the teeth at the front of your mouth, to enhance your smile and boost your confidence.

So, what are the different types of brace or aligner we can offer at Craigentinny?

Inman aligner

The Inman aligner is a removable, clear brace that has an accelerated treatment time. One of our more popular braces in Edinburgh, this aligner uses coil springs and opposing bows to guide the teeth into their new position.

After it is fitted, you will be required to wear it for 16-20 hours a day and you will need to have regular check ups every 2-3 weeks. The treatment time with the Inman Aligner varies, but most cases are completed within 6-18 weeks.

Six Months Smile

This brace does exactly what is says on the tin; the average treatment time for the Six Months Smile brace is 6 months, with many treatments being shorter.

A brace that is suitable for anyone over the age of 16, who has crooked, spaced or moderate misalignment, this brace can either be removable or fitted, depending on the severity of the malocclusion.

The aligners or braces are made of a soft, flexible plastic, to provide you with maximum comfort throughout your treatment and the Six Month Smile aligner provides you with a faster and more predictable outcome than other aligners.

Clear braces

The most popular type of brace used in adult cosmetic dentistry is that of the clear or invisible braces. At Craigentinny, we are proud to be able to offer our patients the famous Invisalign braces, to provide a discreet way to correct their teeth in a minimal amount of time.

Clear braces are removable and must be worn for 20 hours a day to be efficient. As they are both removable and invisible, these are the best option for people with busy schedules or jobs that rely on a flawless appearance.

The average treatment time of the Invisalign aligner is 12 months, but with the slightly longer regimen time comes more predictability and a reduced time wearing a retainer post treatment.

Call us today for more information on our cosmetic braces.

Need a new dentist in Edinburgh? 5 reasons you need to join the Craigentinny Dental Care practice

When hunting for a new dentist, it can be easy to just pick the one nearest to your home or place of work as a matter of convenience. Indeed, the majority of dental patients across the UK choose their dental practices in this manner and while it may save you a bit on travel time and cost, it is not always the best way, especially if you are looking for a particular treatment.

Dentist in Edinburgh

At Craigentinny Dental Care, we offer all of our patients a wide range of services; everything from general dentistry to cosmetic dentistry. We have been regarded by our patients as a high-quality dentist in Edinburgh for over 25 years and we aim to make all of our patients comfortable, by providing a friendly and compassionate atmosphere. If you are looking for a new, compassionate and professional dentist in Edinburgh, join Craigentinny today!

Our care for nervous patients

Nervous of the dentist or know a family member who is? We offer a range of services, both in surgery and out, to make the most phobic patients comfortable.

Using modern technology, we are able to make all procedures you have with us as painless as possible and if you are truly phobic, we can offer you intravenous sedation to help you cope with any dental treatment; just fill out our online form before your visit!

We offer an e-course and a nervous patient programme, to help you conquer your fears outside of the practice at your own pace.

Cosmetic surgery we offer

Cosmetic surgery is booming in popularity and at Craigentinny, we are eager to provide our patients with the most advanced cosmetic dentistry available.

We offer everything from teeth whitening to dental implants, and our dental team can even provide you with wrinkle reduction services to keep your face looking youthful if you desire.

In relation to pricing for our cosmetic services, you can either pay for your surgery upfront or take out a dental plan with us to help you spread the cost over several months.

Family dentistry

What kind of dentist would we be if we didn’t cater to the whole family? We offer bespoke treatment for children, such as fluoride sealants, along with providing both you and your children with a friendly, family oriented atmosphere, without judgement or critique.

Flexible opening hours

Your life doesn’t operate 9 to 5 and neither do we. We open extra early on specified days of the week and stay open later than other dental practices, to give you that extra flexibility in your day.

We also aim to see all emergency patients on the same day.

Our high standards

At Craigentinny, our high standards of care have kept our surgery as a family favourite for over 25 years. We pride ourselves on taking time with our patients and ensuring that they are aware of and happy with all the dental work and professional care that we offer.

Prevention is better than cure The benefits of visiting a dental hygienist at Craigentinny Dental Care

Prevention has always been better than cure and when one considers dental health, many issues seen by dentists and experienced by patients could have been prevented at an earlier stage.

Dental Hygienist in Edinburgh

Maintaining a high level of oral hygiene is more than simply brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day and if you have additional dental needs, such as wearing braces or using dentures, you will require more specialised treatments to keep your mouth in tip top condition.

At Craigentinny Dental Care, we can offer you the highest quality preventive treatments available; our dental hygienist in Edinburgh can provide you with top to bottom preventive dental treatment, regardless of the condition of your teeth or your gums.

Why is visiting a dental hygienist important?

While visiting your general dentist twice a year is part of dental health maintenance, if you are at a higher risk of conditions like gum disease or require personalised dental treatment, you will need to visit a hygienist at least once a year.

Our dental hygienist in Edinburgh is an important member of our dental team and provides a valuable service to all of our patients. Alongside providing services like a scale and polish, our hygienists also undertake more complicated dental cases too.

If you have been referred by a member of our dental team to our dental hygienist in Edinburgh, they can provide you with the following preventive services.

Scale and Polish

A scale and polish procedure is both a thorough cleaning of your teeth and a preventive treatment.

When plaque forms on the teeth, it can be hard to remove with a manual toothbrush alone. Accumulations of plaque can lead to issues like tooth decay and gum disease, it is important to remove stubborn plaque and tartar.

During a scale and polish, an electric scaler will remove built up plaque or tartar. This will dislodge the plaque on the surface of the teeth and in between the teeth. Next, a hand scaler will be used to remove plaque from between the teeth. Then, a thorough clean or polish is conducted on the teeth, to remove any stubborn surface stains.

Fissure sealants

To prevent tooth decay, our hygienists may apply a sealant to the surface of the tooth, to harden the enamel. It is typically applied to the molar or ‘back’ teeth and is painted on to the tooth.

Topical fluorides

If there is evidence of caries or cavities forming on a tooth, the hygienist will apply a topical fluoride. This will mineralise the tooth and prevent the development of cavities. It also kills cavity causing bacteria on the tooth.

Personalised advice and techniques

If you have braces, you will require specialised cleaning twice a year with a hygienist alongside advice on how to maintain your braces.

This also applies to people with dentures, dental implants, partial bridges or those patients who are diabetic, pregnant or undertaking certain medical therapies or treatments.

Scared of visiting the dentist? How our dental team at Craigentinny can help you get back control

When the thought of visiting your dentist for a check-up brings you out in a sweat, be aware that you are not alone in this world.

Sedation Dentistry in Edinburgh

In a survey of phobias experienced around the world, fear of the dentist or ‘dentophobia’ usually comes in the top 10 most commonly reported phobias, with more than 60% of all dental patients reporting some degree of worry about an upcoming dental visit.

This trend has not gone unnoticed by dental professionals; many dentists, NHS or private are now trained in how to manage nervous or phobic patients and strive to balance a professional approach with being compassionate and caring.

At Craigentinny, we offer services for our most phobic patients. If, however, your phobia is incredibly severe, we can offer you a service known as sedation dentistry in Edinburgh.

What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is exactly as it sounds, one of our dental team will inject you with an intravenous (IV) sedative before your dental procedure, to minimise your anxiety and allow you to forget any uncomfortable aspects of the dental treatment. You will remain partially conscious but will be unaware of the sounds, feelings and procedures happening around you. When the sedative wears off, usually within 24 hours, you will have minimal recollection of the procedure and therefore, you will not feel any fear upon recalling it.

At Craigentinny, we use sedation dentistry in Edinburgh when our patients fear of the dentist is preventing them from seeking help for painful dental conditions, that could pose a risk to their health. However, we also use sedation dentistry in Edinburgh if requested by a patient or their relatives for any procedure, just to ensure minimal distress to the patient. We recommend that before you undertake any form of sedation, that you inform our dental team about any underlying conditions you have, any medications you are taking and to ensure you have a family member or a friend to take you home after the procedure is completed.

Benefits of sedation dentistry

At Craigentinny Dental Care, we want you to feel safe and secure when you undergo any dental procedure. If you are fearful of the dentist, you are probably actively avoiding attending any type of procedure.

Unfortunately, even the most diligent brushers cannot prevent dental issues from occurring and if you have underlying dental problems, you may unwittingly be making them worse. IV sedation offers you the opportunity to undergo any dental procedure with minimal fear and allows us to assess the condition of your teeth and to perform the required work.

Many of our former phobic patients have reported feeling an increased sense of trust with our dental team for being able to offer the sedation upon request. We will not judge the condition of your teeth or your gums, so you do not have to worry about receiving the dreaded ‘lecture’ from any of our dentists!

Want to straighten your smile? Braces and alignment options we offer at Craigentinny Dental Care

When you are told by your dentist that you may need braces to help realign your teeth, you may feel disheartened. If you are an adult, the idea of undertaking this form of dental treatment may not align well with your current career plans or you may feel worried about how others will judge you.

Braces in Edinburgh

Luckily, as dentistry has evolved, so have orthodontic treatments, especially when treating adult alignment issues with discretion.

At Craigentinny Dental Care, we can offer aligners and braces in Edinburgh that are guaranteed to not interfere with your career or upcoming photoshoot.

Invisible braces – what are they?

If one of our dentists has told you that you have mild to moderate alignment issues in your mouth, you may be suitable to undergo treatment with one of our available brands of invisible braces in Edinburgh. Invisible braces are exactly what they say on the tin; they are made from clear, flexible plastic and are customised to fit over your teeth. They work by gently pushing your teeth into the desired position and unlike traditional braces, they do not pull your teeth or cause any pain.

These braces are typically removable and do not impact on what foods you are allowed to consume or interfere with your dental hygiene routine; you just take them out, brush and put them back in! Our dentists can advise you on which brand of invisible braces in Edinburgh you will be most likely to benefit from.

Inman aligner

Your dentist may decide that you are suitable to undertake treatment with the Inman Aligner if you have misalignment or crowding at the front of your mouth.

It is removable and when correctly used, can straighten your front teeth in as little as 9 weeks, depending on your alignment issue. It combines the use of nickel titanium coil springs that power two aligner bows that gently work against each other; this allows minimal discomfort throughout treatment and also speeds up the treatment process.

You will be required to wear this aligner for 16-20 hours a day and will need to undertake check-ups of its progress every 2-3 weeks.

Six Months Smile aligner

As the name suggests, this aligner’s average treatment time is around 6 months and like the Inman aligner, it also treats crooked, spaced or crowded teeth.

The Six Months Smile aligner is much easier for general dentists to fit and requires less maintenance than traditional metal braces. Depending on the severity of your alignment, your dental team may decide to offer either a fitted or removable aligner, both of which will achieve the desired smile in around 6 months.

When fitted, the Six Months Smile aligner is colour matched to your teeth, so it is hard for others to notice with a naked eye. The removable aligners are usually clear and have to be worn for up to 20 hours a day for you to benefit from them.

Need a new dentist in Edinburgh? Reasons to join Craigentinny Dental Care

Many dental surgeries at a glance seem the same. If you have perfectly straight teeth, you may not be considering more from a dental practice than a biannual check-up and may not be too worried about the other services that they provide.

Dentist in Edinburgh

However, if you are nervous of the dentist, want to undertake cosmetic dental procedures or just want whiter teeth, then you should join Craigentinny Dental Care!

Our dentists in Edinburgh are able to offer services to both private and NHS patients and can provide you with every service you could ever require under one roof!

General services we offer

As previously mentioned, our dentists in Edinburgh cater to both NHS and private patients; we offer general dental services as standard for NHS patients which includes check-ups for adults and children, fillings, root canals, dental cleaning and tips on maintaining oral health.

We do not offer hygienist treatment as standard to NHS patients, but it can be provided to NHS patients for an additional fee in line with our private dental costs.

Cosmetic treatments

Cosmetic dentistry has never been more popular and our dentists in Edinburgh can offer a wide range of cosmetic options to our private patients. NHS patients are welcome to undertake our private cosmetic options, but should be aware that these options are not covered under the NHS.

Our cosmetic dental options include the ever popular in surgery whitening, porcelain veneers, dental implants, resin bonding and Inman Aligner or Six Months Smile aligner for discreet teeth straightening. Please note that before undertaking any cosmetic procedure, your dentist must deem you suitable to undertake the procedure; this applies more to the two realignment procedures, the Inman Aligner and Six Months Smile aligner.

Nervous patients

Regardless of your age, going to the dentist for a check-up can be unnerving.

If you have had a bad experience in the past with a dental professional, just let our surgery team know and we will be able to help you manage your fears in a compassionate and professional way. If you require sedation, we will be happy to offer this option too. Please ensure you bring a family member or friend along to the surgery to help you home after any form of sedation and do not operate heavy machinery or drive for 24 hours post sedation.

Family dentists

It is well researched that the earlier children are introduced to the dentist, the less nervous they will be in their later life and the better their overall dental health will be.

If you have young children, feel free to bring them to our surgery in Edinburgh to introduce them to our team. We advise bringing your children for their first dental visit when they are 12 months old, to ensure they become accustomed to the sounds and smells of the dental surgery from a young age.

Call us today to join Craigentinny Dental Centre or book your first appointment online.