Want to overcome your fear of the dentist? Come along to Craigentinny today!

Once considered a somewhat trivial matter, dental phobias are nothing to laugh about.

Indeed, many people who suffer from a fear of the dentist would prefer to endure months of discomfort and put their health at risk as opposed to getting into a dentist’s chair.


Of course, modern dentistry has found ways to ensure that even people who have the most intense dental phobia are able to relax in the dental chair and Craigentinny is no exception!

If you desperately need a dental check-up or another procedure performed in Edinburgh, but get into a cold sweat just thinking about walking into a dental surgery, come along to Craigentinny. Our team is able to offer you compassionate dentistry, a relaxed atmosphere, and if you need it; sedation dentistry in Edinburgh.

Our team at Craigentinny are also able to offer you more than sedation dentistry in Edinburgh, helping you to manage and overcome your fear at your own pace, in your own home. How do we do this? Read on to find out!

Online videos

At Craigentinny, our team knows that you don’t want to have a dental phobia.

Therefore, we are proud to offer you, as the first port of call, a series of online videos on our website. These will guide you through what you can expect at your first appointment, dental sedation options, and how we, as a team, can help you feel more comfortable in our surgery.

We also have an online blog for you to look through, which can provide you with helpful tips about how to manage your anxiety during your visit.


Where would we be without the internet?

A tool that helps so many people to learn and grow can now be used to help you overcome your fear of the dentist in your own home.

If you want to desensitize yourself a bit before committing to sedation dentistry in Edinburgh, why not explore the Craigentinny website and look at our ‘Dental Fear E-Course.’ Our results speak for themselves!

Nearly 60% of all nervous patients who undertook the course felt confident enough to book a dental appointment with our team and 20% stated that they could see themselves booking an appointment soon. So, if you are too nervous to book your appointment, our E-Course is for you!

Nervous Patient Programme

Remember, at Craigentinny, our team wants to help you to overcome your fear.

A bit more involved than our E-Course, this involves a member of our dental team talking you through a tailored, custom-designed program to address your individual fears of the dentist and helping you to work through them at a pace that suits you.

At Craigentinny, we do not find your fear of the dentist funny or trivial, as we know that it can have long-term repercussions on your health and wellbeing. Therefore, when you come to Craigentinny with a dental phobia, we will not only help you get through a basic check-up, we will help you beat it all together.