Need a straighter smile in a hurry? 5 benefits of adult orthodontics at Craigentinny

Got a wedding coming up? Want to have straighter teeth in time for those all-important photos? You’re in luck!


While many people assume that orthodontics can only help kids, as dentistry has advanced, this type of technique has evolved to help adults too. Known as ‘short-term orthodontics,’ this corrective procedure is able to straighten the appearance of your front teeth, giving you a straighter and healthier looking smile.

At Craigentinny, our team has helped many adults get that coveted straight smile through the use of adult orthodontics and braces in Edinburgh. We are confident that if you have a slight asymmetry to your smile or a protruding tooth, we can help you get them back in line quickly.

Why should you seek out braces in Edinburgh if you are an adult with a misaligned smile? Read on to find out.

Why should you seek out braces in Edinburgh if you are an adult with a misaligned smile? Read on to find out.

Better hygiene

Even if you only have one tooth that is protruding or a couple of teeth that are crowded, this can impact your dental hygiene.

Straighter teeth are significantly easier to clean, reducing the accumulation of plaque and bacteria. When you use one of our braces in Edinburgh to straighten your smile, you are also getting better oral health! Now that is impressive!

Reasonable costs

Many dental patients worry that having orthodontic treatment as an adult will cost the earth.

Not to worry. While the price of aligners may look intimidating on paper, at Craigentinny, we are proud to be able to offer all of our patients the option of a payment plan or credit.

That way, you can spread the cost of your new smile over several months, breaking the payment down into affordable monthly chunks. Fantastic!

Accelerated treatment times

While having orthodontics performed as a child is easier due to the teeth not being set in place, adult orthodontics focuses mainly on the cosmetic appearance of your teeth. There is no long treatment time aligning your jaws, expanding your arches, or ensuring all of your molars fit together correctly.

Many of the aligners we offer our adult patients at Craigentinny can give you a straighter smile in fewer than six months. Our fitted aligners can improve the appearance of your smile in under six weeks. So what are you waiting for?

Clear aligners

One of the main benefits of orthodontics as an adult is the variety of aligners that you can use.

Many of our cosmetic aligners are clear or invisible, making them barely noticeable to the naked eye. This will ensure that your professional appearance remains intact as you go about your day to day life, giving you straighter teeth at the same time. Perfect!

Exceptional long-term results

Post-treatment with a cosmetic aligner, you will need to wear a retainer to prevent your teeth relapsing.

However, you can rest assured that as long as you wear your retainer, your newly aligned smile will be with you for years to come.