Got a dull ache in one of your teeth? 5 reasons to see our dentist at Craigentinny today!

Got a nagging pain in your teeth?

While you may attend your dental check-ups every six months, in between visits you may notice some discomfort. Why is this?


Aside from dental sensitivities due to the presence of microscopic holes in your tooth’s enamel, the second most likely cause is tooth decay.

The bane of dental patients everywhere, tooth decay occurs when there has been an accumulation of bacteria (plaque) on the enamel that has not been removed. Left unchecked, decay begins to break down through the layers of the teeth, forming a rather attractive cavity.

While you may attend your dental check-ups every six months, in between visits you may notice some discomfort. Why is this?

Aside from dental sensitivities due to the presence of microscopic holes in your tooth’s enamel, the second most likely cause is tooth decay.

The bane of dental patients everywhere, tooth decay occurs when there has been an accumulation of bacteria (plaque) on the enamel that has not been removed. Left unchecked, decay begins to break down through the layers of the teeth, forming a rather attractive cavity.

At Craigentinny, our dentist in Edinburgh can locate any decay in your mouth, identify likely problem areas due to plaque accumulation, and predict the likelihood of you having decay in the future due to the shape and arrangement of your teeth. We can also offer you dietary and cleaning tips, to help you reduce the chance of recurrent decay and keep any fillings to a minimum!

But what happens if you leave a cavity unchecked and fail to attend an appointment with our dentist in Edinburgh? Read on to find out.


When you have a cavity forming, it is a safe bet that you have some stubborn plaque nearby.

When a cavity forms, it will have sharp edges, that will attract plaque like a magnet. This can result in inflammation of the surrounding gums, or gingivitis.

Our dentist in Edinburgh can repair any cavities in your mouth at the earliest stages and can strengthen the enamel with a fluoride sealant too.

Bad breath

It’s happened to everyone at some point in their lives.

We have met someone new and have been instantly distracted by their bad breath. While tooth decay is not the only cause of unpleasant smelling breath, it is one of the most common ones, which can be hard to disguise with a simple breath mint!

If you notice your breath smells a bit bad and you haven’t seen a dental professional in a while, book yourself an appointment with our team at Craigentinny.


Tooth decay is not a pleasant experience.

While the acids and bacteria break down the tooth, this can cause extreme discomfort for the person with the decay, leading to a throbbing, dull ache in the mouth. In cases of extreme decay and tooth degeneration, the nerve of the tooth becomes exposed, causing intense discomfort.

Abscesses and infections

Once your tooth has been left to succumb to extreme decay, the next likely stage is an abscess.

Caused by bacteria build-up in the root of your tooth, an abscess can be life-threatening and often requires immediate attention due to the inflammation and discomfort.


If your tooth cannot be saved with root canal treatment post-infection, you may need to have the tooth extracted. Not a great look and a lot of hassle.
Don’t let it get to this advanced stage; book an appointment with our team at Craigentinny today!